The Boxcar Room is possibly the most impressive room when it comes to SCR’s repurposed character. We call it the “Boxcar Room” because the floor of this room came from amazing 12 x 2-inch thick tongue and groove planks that Kevin and crew painfully and carefully cut out of old railroad box cars. See here some of the photos of putting in this incredible flooring (notice no nails … you’ll want to see these photos I promise).
We see the Boxcar Room being used for small cocktail hours during winter days, catering setup for buffet lines, second bar area, lounge and photo booth setups, cake table and loung — the possibles are endless!
Besides the flooring, the staircase takes everyone by surprise once you get up close and start to look at the detail in the beams.
The wood on the back wall, going into the main Barn hall, Kevin got from painstakingly taking apart the flooring from an old army barrack. This wall is a work of art pulling out the individual nails and rushing them all across the back wall now a focal point with the sliding doors made of old warehouse windows.
The bridge girders can be found in a few places at SCR but they truly get their moment in the Boxcar Room. These— Kevin hauled these Bridge Girders home several years ago and always knew they had a place. Let’s say they didn't come down or arrive very gently. But with a few clamps, some serious pounding, we now have five-thirty feet long floor joist for the SparrowCreekRanchBarn second story.
The rest of the wood around the walls and trims was sorted and chosen from our pile of 1800-1950s reclaimed wood.
SCR is built around the pieces. The wooden beam pulled out of the ground where it's been forgotten for two decades. Hundred-year-old nails pulled out and gently reused one by one. The old bridge beams hauled off for scrap but put aside by Kevin for a different purpose. These are the things that make SCR one of a kind. You have to look close to notice them and most don't but those who do notice, who do appreciate the 100s of hours of work to do it right, those are our people.
Mr. Kevin, as you might know him, spends countless hours at SCR between managing a 100 other jobs and responsibilities making sure the smallest details to the largest structures are put perfectly into place.